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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Hazards on the Ranch!

So this is a stand alone post pounder that Barr and I took out to do some fencing a few weeks ago. Well as we were driving down a hill the pounder slowly tipped to the side and fell on the fence we were working on. It's funny now but not so funny knowing I was standing on the tongue of the post pounder when it fell. Cool huh?!!!!

Fencing again just the other day and Tess the Gustafson's black lab starts to bark in the trees. Barr says "I bet that's a porcupine." Me, I didn't take the bet. I know her too well. 5 min later here she comes with 20 quills in her nose.

A couple weeks ago Owen (Barr and Colleen's son) asked me if I wanted to see some bear tracks. Of course I did. He led me about 100 yards from their house and I took a picture of this black bear track. This pasted Monday they told me that a Grizz broke into their grain and ate some corn just two days before. Ya they are looking for bear proof bins now!

The same day as Tess vs. Porcupine we found a track of a bear. They say if you can see the toe nails it is a grizz. I could see the toe nails, too bad my phone sucks! You can also see a deer track on top of the bear track to the right so it was a couple days old. I did find out that you don't send bear track pictures to mother in laws!!!!! :-)

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